zhuoの生み出すアヤシイかれこれ=zhuowareを陳列する,ZHUOWARE BACKYARDです.
// A secret showcase of Zhuo, where "zhuoware" - Zhuo's weird stuff - is displayed.
- Vocalips
- Vocaloidのファイルからリップシンク(口パク)や小節・拍のデータをtab区切りテキストで取り出すツール.
//Vocalips: a tool that analyzes a vocaloid file to extract a lip-sync and bar/beat data in the form of tab-separated plain text.
(latest update: April 1, 2010; since Oct. 23, 2007)
- Ripples
- 「Ripple = 変動する量」の編集環境の構想と試作.
//An idea and trials on an curve-editing environment
//starting from functionalities such as extracting pitch-curves and volume-curves from singing voice data, and saving them into an SMF.
(since May 3, 2008)
- MMD Motion Generation
- 音楽音響信号からトランペットソロのMikuMikuDanceモーションを生成する実験.
//An experiment of MikuMikuDance motion data genaration of trumpet performance from a mixed music audio signal.
(since Feb. 24, 2009)
- MMD Vibration Simulation On a Physics Engine
- MikuMikuDance 5 betaで実装された物理演算機能(Bulletによる)を用いて,振動現象をシミュレートする実験.
//An Experiment of a simulation of vibration using "Bullet", a physics engine from Blender, recently integrated on MikuMikuDance (Ver.5 beta)
(since June 23, 2009)
- VSQ to MusicXML Conversion
- 2010年1月2日に公開された歌唱合成システムSinsy用のMusicXMLを,VSQファイルから変換して作る実験.
//An experiment to convert a VSQ file to a MusicXML equivalent suitable for the newly unveiled singing-voice synthesis system "Sinsy".
(last updated on March 4, 2010, since January 3, 2010)
- Software Study Notes to CSV Converter
- 「ソフトウェアまとめ」の内容を,CSV (コンマで区切られたテキスト)形式で入手することができるツールパッケージ SSNCSV のご紹介.
//An introduction of SSNCSV, a tool package that allows you to obtain the contents of "Software Study Notes" in CSV (comma separated values) format.
(last updated on May 11, 2013, since Aug. 13, 2012)
- Software Study Notes Talecom-E System
- 「ソフトウェアまとめ」のたれこみ情報整形システムです.
// A system that allows you to edit and format the information of a new software application necessary to report to Software Study Notes.
(last update on Apr. 1, 2015)
- Tool Notes
- 各種ツールのメモがき.
//notes on useful tools.
- Software Study Notes
- VSQ関連ソフトウェアのメモがき.
//notes on VSQ-related software applications
- Artworks
- 各種データを陳列いたします.
//Display of miscellaneous artworks.
- Misc Notes
- そのほかもろもろのメモがき.
//miscellaneous notes
- Misc Articles
- さらにそのほかもろもろの記事.
//miscellaneous articles