Sudoku Solver in tcl/tk and its equivalent in C // 数独求解スクリプトとそのC実装

Apr. 18, 2009 - May 7, 2009 by Zhuo

I have written a Sudoku Solver in tcl/tk, and its equivalent in C. The C version solves a difficult one in about 1 milli-second on my machine (with a Core2 Duo 6600 @ 2.4GHz inside).

May 7, 2009: C version (Rev. 0.02)

I have implemented the algorithm in C. A difficult example (sample01.txt) now takes 1.04 milli-seconds, so it is about 250,000 times faster than the initial algorithm in tcl.


  1. Prepare a problem in the plain text format. Just list up the digits for all the tiles (81 in total); 1 thru 9 for a fixed, 0 for an unfixed. You can insert a "CR" at any locations, so you may probably want to begin a new line every 9 digits so the text looks like the original problem. An example text is shown below (sample01.txt):
  2. Save the text in a file ... say, "sample01.txt".
  3. Type to the command prompt:
    .\sudokuSolver002.exe < .\sample01.txt 
    and the answer is printed.
  4. If the problem is incomplete, you will see zeros in the answer, possibly with the message "failed".

No doubt there should be way better internal data representaions in terms of efficiency; For instance, instead of modifying bits of all the tiles affected every time, we should hold "candidate mask" for each column/row/box.

However, I think I should stop here --- I have a lot of stuff to work on other than this "sudoku solver", so spending hours on the algorithm itself is actually wasting my precious time, now I feel. Well, who knows. I might come back to this problem all of sudden ... but, maybe, not now.

Apr. 22, 2009: Tcl/Tk script Rev. 0.60

Ok, I introduced branch-cutting. It made things 200 times faster. The attached example takes 1.25 seconds on my machine.

# Sudoku Solver
# Rev. 0.10   Apr. 18, 2009   zhuo    --- sec.  (reduction only)
# Rev. 0.20   Apr. 19, 2009   zhuo    256 sec.  "inference" introduced
# Rev. 0.30   Apr. 19, 2009   zhuo    249 sec.  string representation.
# Rev. 0.40   Apr. 19, 2009   zhuo    xxx       better reducer? but failed.
#                                               takes 0.032 sec (c.f. 0.008
#                                               at R0.30)
#                                               ...width-search is not so bad.
# Rev. 0.50   Apr. 20, 2009   zhuo    243 sec   yet another reducer: it answeres
#                                               ok or ng
# Rev. 0.60   Apr. 22, 2009   zhuo    1.25 sec  try branch-reducing in infer{}
#                                         OK. 

# Platform:
# Mac/Windows/Linux and any platforms where Tcl/Tk runs. 
# Preparation:
# - Install Tcl/Tk.
# - Save this text as xxx.tcl (xxx: any filename you like).
# How to run:
# - Click xxx.tcl to start.
# - Enter the numbers. You can use tab / shift-tab for traverse.
# - Click "SOLVE" to have the answer.
# - Click "EXIT" to quit.

array set ::D {}

# inference necessary
set ::sample {
    6  "" 4  "" "" "" 9  "" ""
    "" "" "" "" 7  "" "" 6  ""
    5  "" "" "" "" 2  "" "" 3 
    "" "" "" 1  "" "" 4  "" ""
    "" 4  "" "" 2  "" "" 8  ""
    "" "" 7  "" "" 8  "" "" ""
    8  "" "" 9  "" "" "" "" 1 
    "" 5  "" "" 3  "" "" "" ""
    "" "" 3  "" "" "" 8  "" 9 

# inference not necessary
set ::sample1 {
    "" 6  3  "" 5  "" "" "" "" 
    "" 4  "" 2  "" "" 8  6  ""
    "" "" "" 6  "" "" "" 4  ""
    "" "" "" 4  "" "" "" 2  ""
    5  2  "" 3  "" 6  "" 8  9
    "" 7  "" "" "" 1  "" "" ""
    "" 8  "" "" "" 9  "" "" ""
    "" 3  4  "" "" 7  "" 1  ""
    "" "" "" "" 4  "" 9  5  ""

frame .p
for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
    for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	entry .p.e$x$y -text "" -justify center -font {FixedSys 32} -width 2
	.p.e$x$y insert end [lindex $::sample [expr $y * 9 + $x]]
	grid .p.e$x$y -column $x -row $y -sticky news

button .b -text "SOLVE" -command "solve"
button .c -text "CLEAR" -command "clear"
button .d -text "DUMP" -command "dump"
button .e -text "EXIT" -command "destroy ."

pack .b -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .c -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .d -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .e -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .p -side top -expand yes -fill both

console show

proc clear {} {
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    .p.e$x$y delete 0 end

proc dump {} {
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    puts -nonewline "$::D($x,$y) "
	puts ""

proc load {} {
    set ::numFixed 0
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    set val [.p.e$x$y get]
	    if { $val == "" } { 
		set ::D($x,$y) "123456789"
	    } else {
		set ::D($x,$y) $val

proc solve {} {
    # load initial settings
    set t0 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    reduce ::D
    set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    set reduceSec [format "%6.3f(sec)" [expr (0.0+$t1-$t0)/1000.0]]
    set inferSec [format "%6.3f(sec)" 0.0]
    if { $::numFixed == 81 } {
	tk_messageBox -message "Solved. \nReduction: $reduceSec\nInference: $inferSec" -type ok
    set result [infer ::D]
    set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    set inferSec [format "%6.3f(sec)" [expr (0.0+$t2-$t1)/1000.0]]
    if { $result == "complete" } {
	tk_messageBox -message "Solved. \nReduction: $reduceSec\nInference: $inferSec" -type ok
    tk_messageBox -message "Not Solved : Illegal Conditions Suspected.\nReduction: $reduceSec\nInference: $inferSec" -type ok

# 05 yet another better reducer...
proc reduce {Dname} {
    upvar $Dname d
    set ::indice {}
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    if { [string length $d($x,$y)] == 1 } { 
		lappend ::indice $x $y
    return [reduce5 d]

proc reduce5 {Dname} {
    upvar $Dname d
    while { [llength $::indice] } {
	if { ! [reduce5internal d [lindex $::indice 0] [lindex $::indice 1]] } {
	    set ::indice {}
	    return 0
	set ::indice [lreplace $::indice 0 1]
	incr ::numFixed
    return 1

proc reduce5internal {Dname bx by} {
    upvar $Dname d

    set v $d($bx,$by)
    if {$v == ""} { 
	return 0

    set xfrom [expr {($bx/3)*3}]
    set yfrom [expr {($by/3)*3}]
    set xbelow [expr {$xfrom+3}]
    set ybelow [expr {$yfrom+3}]
    for { set y $yfrom } { $y < $ybelow } { incr y } {
	if { $y == $by } { continue }
	for { set x $xfrom } { $x < $xbelow } { incr x } {
	    if { ($bx != $x) && [reduce3elem d $x $y $v] == 0 } {
		return 0
    for { set i 0 } { $i < 9 } { incr i } { 
	if { ($i != $bx) && [reduce3elem d $i $by $v] == 0 } {
	    return 0
	if { ($i != $by) && [reduce3elem d $bx $i $v] == 0 } {
	    return 0
    return 1

proc reduce3elem { Dname ex ey val} {
    upvar $Dname d
    if { [regsub $val $d($ex,$ey) "" new] } {
	if { $new == "" } {
	    return 0
	if { [string length $new] == 1 } {
	    .p.e$ex$ey delete 0 end
	    .p.e$ex$ey insert end $new
	    lappend ::indice $ex $ey
	set d($ex,$ey) $new
    return 1

proc findFirstMultiple {dname} {
    upvar $dname orig
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    if { [string length $orig($x,$y)] > 1 } {
		return "$x $y"
    return ""
proc infer {dname} {
    upvar $dname orig
    # find unfixed elem.
    set xy [findFirstMultiple orig]
    if { $xy == "" } { return "complete"}

    # incomplete
    set x [lindex $xy 0]
    set y [lindex $xy 1]

    # backup
    set backup [array get orig]

    set cands $orig($x,$y)

    foreach cand [split $cands ""] {
	set orig($x,$y) $cand
	.p.e$x$y delete 0 end
	.p.e$x$y insert end $cand
	set ::indice "$x $y"
	if { [reduce5 orig] } {
	    if { [infer orig] == "complete" } {
		return "complete"
	array set orig $backup
    .p.e$x$y delete 0 end
    return "fail"

Apr. 19, 2009: Rev. 0.30 OBSOLETE CODES

Rev. 0.20 is skipped. As of this version it tries to infer the solution, doing combinatory inference. The attached example takes 250 seconds on my machine.
# Sudoku Solver
# Rev. 0.10   Apr. 18, 2009   zhuo    --- sec.  (reduction only)
# Rev. 0.20   Apr. 19, 2009   zhuo    256 sec.  "inference" introduced
# Rev. 0.30   Apr. 19, 2009   zhuo    249 sec.  string representation.
# Platform:
# Mac/Windows/Linux and any platforms where Tcl/Tk runs. 
# Preparation:
# - Install Tcl/Tk.
# - Save this text as xxx.tcl (xxx: any filename you like).
# How to run:
# - Click xxx.tcl to start.
# - Enter the numbers. You can use tab / shift-tab for traverse.
# - Click "SOLVE" to have the answer.
# - Click "EXIT" to quit.

array set ::D {}

# inference necessary
set ::sample {
    6  "" 4  "" "" "" 9  "" ""
    "" "" "" "" 7  "" "" 6  ""
    5  "" "" "" "" 2  "" "" 3 
    "" "" "" 1  "" "" 4  "" ""
    "" 4  "" "" 2  "" "" 8  ""
    "" "" 7  "" "" 8  "" "" ""
    8  "" "" 9  "" "" "" "" 1 
    "" 5  "" "" 3  "" "" "" ""
    "" "" 3  "" "" "" 8  "" 9 

# inference not necessary
set ::sample0 {
    "" 6  3  "" 5  "" "" "" "" 
    "" 4  "" 2  "" "" 8  6  ""
    "" "" "" 6  "" "" "" 4  ""
    "" "" "" 4  "" "" "" 2  ""
    5  2  "" 3  "" 6  "" 8  9
    "" 7  "" "" "" 1  "" "" ""
    "" 8  "" "" "" 9  "" "" ""
    "" 3  4  "" "" 7  "" 1  ""
    "" "" "" "" 4  "" 9  5  ""

frame .p
for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
    for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	entry .p.e$x$y -text "" -justify center -font {FixedSys 32} -width 2
	.p.e$x$y insert end [lindex $::sample [expr $y * 9 + $x]]
	grid .p.e$x$y -column $x -row $y -sticky news

button .b -text "SOLVE" -command "solve"
button .c -text "CLEAR" -command "clear"
button .d -text "DUMP" -command "dump"
button .e -text "EXIT" -command "destroy ."

pack .b -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .c -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .d -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .e -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .p -side top -expand yes -fill both

console show

proc clear {} {
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    .p.e$x$y delete 0 end

proc dump {} {
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    puts -nonewline "$::D($x,$y) "
	puts ""

proc load {} {
    set ::numFixed 0
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    set val [.p.e$x$y get]
	    if { $val == "" } { 
		set ::D($x,$y) "123456789"
		set ::D($x,$y,Fixed) 0
	    } else {
		set ::D($x,$y) $val
		set ::D($x,$y,Fixed) 1
		incr ::numFixed
	    set ::D($x,$y,Used) 0

proc solve {} {
    # load initial settings
    set t0 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    reduce ::D
    set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    set reduceSec [format "%6.3f(sec)" [expr (0.0+$t1-$t0)/1000.0]]
    set inferSec [format "%6.3f(sec)" 0.0]
    if { $::numFixed == 81 } {
	tk_messageBox -message "Solved. \nReduction: $reduceSec\nInference: $inferSec" -type ok
    set result [infer ::D]
    set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    set inferSec [format "%6.3f(sec)" [expr (0.0+$t2-$t1)/1000.0]]
    if { $result == "complete" } {
	tk_messageBox -message "Solved. \nReduction: $reduceSec\nInference: $inferSec" -type ok
    tk_messageBox -message "Not Solved : Illegal Conditions Suspected.\nReduction: $reduceSec\nInference: $inferSec" -type ok

proc reduce {Dname} {
    upvar $Dname d
    while { [reduceOne d] > 0 } {}

proc reduceOne {Dname} {
    upvar $Dname d
    set reduce 0
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    if { $d($x,$y,Fixed) && (!$d($x,$y,Used)) } {
		incr reduce [reduceOneInternal d $x $y]
		set d($x,$y,Used) 1
    return $reduce

proc updateElem {dname ex ey val} {
    upvar $dname d
    set reduce 0
    if { [regsub $val $d($ex,$ey) "" d($ex,$ey)] } {
	incr reduce
	if { [string length $d($ex,$ey)] == 1 } {
	    set d($ex,$ey,Fixed) 1
	    set d($ex,$ey,Used) 0
	    .p.e$ex$ey delete 0 end
	    .p.e$ex$ey insert end $d($ex,$ey)
	    incr ::numFixed
    return $reduce

proc reduceOneInternal { dname bx by } {
    upvar $dname d
    set reduce 0
    for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	if { (! $d($x,$by,Fixed)) && ($x != $bx) } {
	    incr reduce [updateElem d $x $by $d($bx,$by)]
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	if { (! $d($bx,$y,Fixed)) && ($y != $by) } {
	    incr reduce [updateElem d $bx $y $d($bx,$by)]
    set xfrom [expr ($bx/3)*3]
    set xbelow [expr $xfrom+3]
    set yfrom [expr ($by/3)*3]
    set ybelow [expr $yfrom+3]

    for { set x $xfrom } { $x < $xbelow} { incr x } {
	for { set y $yfrom } { $y < $ybelow} { incr y } {
	    if { (! $d($x,$y,Fixed)) && ( ($x != $bx) || ($y != $by) )  } {
		incr reduce [updateElem d $x $y $d($bx,$by)]
    return $reduce

proc findFirstMultiple {dname} {
    upvar $dname orig
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    if { [string length $orig($x,$y)] > 1 } {
		return "$x $y"
    return ""
proc infer {dname} {
    upvar $dname orig
    # find unfixed elem.
    set xy [findFirstMultiple orig]
    if { $xy == "" } { return "complete"}

    # incomplete
    set x [lindex $xy 0]
    set y [lindex $xy 1]

    #   array set backup [array get orig]
    set cands $orig($x,$y)

    foreach cand [split $cands ""] {
	set orig($x,$y) $cand
	.p.e$x$y delete 0 end
	.p.e$x$y insert end $cand
	if { [isValid orig $x $y] } {
	    if { [infer orig] == "complete" } {
		return "complete"
    set orig($x,$y) $cands
    .p.e$x$y delete 0 end
    return "fail"

proc isValid { dname px py } {
    upvar $dname d

    set val $d($px,$py)
    # row check
    for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	if { $x != $px } { 
	    if { $d($x,$py) == $val } {
		return 0
    # column check
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	if { $y != $py } { 
	    if { $d($px,$y) == $val } {
		return 0
    # box check
    set xfrom [expr ($px/3)*3]
    set xbelow [expr $xfrom+3]
    set yfrom [expr ($py/3)*3]
    set ybelow [expr $yfrom+3]

    for { set y $yfrom } { $y < $ybelow} { incr y } {
	for { set x $xfrom } { $x < $xbelow } { incr x } {
	    if { ($x != $px) || ($y != $py) } {
		if { $d($x,$y) == $val } {
		    return 0
    return 1

Apr. 18, 2009: Rev. 0.10 Obsolete Code

The code below turned out to be just "reducing". This is ok for easy cases, but for difficult cases which require combinatory inference need Rev. 0.30.
# Sudoku Solver
# Rev. 0.10   Apr. 18, 2009   zhuo
# Platform:
# Mac/Windows/Linux and any platforms where Tcl/Tk runs. 
# Preparation:
# - Install Tcl/Tk.
# - Save this text as xxx.tcl (xxx: any filename you like).
# How to run:
# - Click xxx.tcl to start.
# - Enter the numbers. You can use tab / shift-tab for traverse.
# - Click "SOLVE" to have the answer.
# - Click "EXIT" to quit.

array set ::Values {}
array set ::Fixed {}
array set ::Used {}

set ::sample {
    "" 6  3  "" 5  "" "" "" "" 
    "" 4  "" 2  "" "" 8  6  ""
    "" "" "" 6  "" "" "" 4  ""
    "" "" "" 4  "" "" "" 2  ""
    5  2  "" 3  "" 6  "" 8  9
    "" 7  "" "" "" 1  "" "" ""
    "" 8  "" "" "" 9  "" "" ""
    "" 3  4  "" "" 7  "" 1  ""
    "" "" "" "" 4  "" 9  5  ""

frame .p
for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
    for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	entry .p.e$x$y -text "" -justify center -font {FixedSys 32} -width 2
#	.p.e$x$y insert end [lindex $::sample [expr $y * 9 + $x]]
	grid .p.e$x$y -column $x -row $y -sticky news

button .b -text "SOLVE" -command "solve"
#button .d -text "DUMP" -command "dump"
button .e -text "EXIT" -command "destroy ."

pack .b -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .d -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .e -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .p -side top -expand yes -fill both

proc dump {} {
    console show
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    puts -nonewline "( $::Values($x,$y) ) "
	puts ""

proc load {} {
    set ::numFixed 0
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    set val [.p.e$x$y get]
	    if { $val == "" } { 
		set ::Values($x,$y) {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
		set ::Fixed($x,$y) 0
	    } else {
		set ::Values($x,$y) $val
		set ::Fixed($x,$y) 1
		incr ::numFixed
	    set ::Used($x,$y) 0

proc solve {} {
    # load initial settings
    while { $::numFixed < 81 } {
	if { [solveOne] == 0 } {
	    tk_messageBox -message "Not Solved : Illegal Conditions Suspected." -type ok
    tk_messageBox -message "Solved." -type ok

proc solveOne {} {
    set elim 0
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	    if { $::Fixed($x,$y) && (!$::Used($x,$y)) } {
		incr elim [eliminateRow $x $y]
		incr elim [eliminateColumn $x $y]
		incr elim [eliminateBox $x $y]
		set ::Used($x,$y) 1
    return $elim

proc updateElem {ex ey val} {
    set elim 0
    set i [lsearch $::Values($ex,$ey) $val]
    if { $i != -1 } {
	incr elim
	set ::Values($ex,$ey) [lreplace $::Values($ex,$ey) $i $i]
	if { [llength $::Values($ex,$ey)] == 1 } {
	    set ::Fixed($ex,$ey) 1
	    set ::Used($ex,$ey) 0
	    .p.e$ex$ey delete 0 end
	    .p.e$ex$ey insert end $::Values($ex,$ey)
	    incr ::numFixed
    return $elim

proc eliminateRow { bx by } {
    set elim 0
    for { set x 0 } { $x < 9 } { incr x } {
	if { (! $::Fixed($x,$by)) && ($x != $bx) } {
	    incr elim [updateElem $x $by $::Values($bx,$by)]
    return $elim

proc eliminateColumn { bx by } {
    set elim 0
    for { set y 0 } { $y < 9 } { incr y } {
	if { (! $::Fixed($bx,$y)) && ($y != $by) } {
	    incr elim [updateElem $bx $y $::Values($bx,$by)]
    return $elim

proc eliminateBox { bx by } {
    set elim 0
    set xfrom [expr ($bx/3)*3]
    set xbelow [expr $xfrom+3]
    set yfrom [expr ($by/3)*3]
    set ybelow [expr $yfrom+3]

    for { set x $xfrom } { $x < $xbelow} { incr x } {
	for { set y $yfrom } { $y < $ybelow} { incr y } {
	    if { (! $::Fixed($x,$y)) && ( ($x != $bx) || ($y != $by) )  } {
		incr elim [updateElem $x $y $::Values($bx,$by)]
    return $elim